Your Work Style
Understanding your work style and how you can be better!
We all have the ability to make ourselves better human beings by understanding our own strengths and development areas and our work style.
Finding ways to utilise our behaviours better will improve our performance in many areas.
At work it is essential that we take responsibility for our development to ensure we sustain our career opportunities, remaining relevant for the ever changing world of work.
Lawson Williams has a range of simple behavioural profiling tools that can help you understand where you are at and what you can do to be better.
We can help you understand:
What motivates you.
Your natural strengths and development areas.
How you are seen by others.
Your decision making style.
Your preferred communication style.
Your role within a team.
Your behavioural style against standard or specific competencies
Your preferred sales style and ability.
Your leadership style.
How you manage others.
How you perform at interviews.
Contact us: email us or call on 09 522 3920
What should be my Career Direction – Where do I start?
Helping people with career choices is what we have done for over 30 years.
We work with people who know exactly what they wanted to do and they have gone for it.
We also work with school leavers or tertiary students who don’t know what they want to or could do.
Others have chosen a career path only to find that it doesn’t suit them.
Our Behavioural and Vocational Guidance tools and our Professional and Personal Assessment Student guides enable us to work with anyone wanting to gain some clarity around their career direction.
For more information: email us or call on 09 522 3920
Our person to person approach
With over 25 years of experience working alongside people as they look for a change in their career we believe we have the knowledge and experience to assist you understand your work style and what you need to do to get better at what you do.
We know there is a lot of information available out there for personal development and understanding your work style, however we believe that true value is gained when you can work with real people who are interested in seeing you develop.
Through our flexible approach you can decide the level of support you need.
We can provide basic profiling and feedback through to more comprehensive coaching.
For more information: email us or call on 09 522 3920
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